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Sabtu, 24 September 2011

Mr Jones and The Red Shoe

Created by: Bani Ulinnuha

Long time ago on the outskirts of the kingdom there lived an old man who his job was a shoemaker. He called Mr Jones. He was an honest man, kind, willing to sacrifice to the need. In his house he worked making shoes that had been ordered by the people. But now, there is no one who ordered her shoes again.Because he is old and considered unable to do to make shoes.Now, he's just waiting for the arrival of a customer so he can meet his needs.
Look at the house some old shoes that have worn, it's because none of the customers who come. Mr Jones said in his heart "when there are customers who will buy the shoes?". With high spirits he was trying to make shoes that are pretty and beautiful. "I believe by making sure new shoes that customers will flock to my house", said Mr Jones. Eventually he started making shoes that are made ​​from the finest leather and bright red. Few days passed, and the red shoe has finally been completed. When he saw the red shoes she could only smile happily.
One night, very heavy rain, lightning and thunder in the sky. make the night a quiet night for MrJones. suddenly, there was a knock at the door with a very loud.Then he rapidly opened the door hoping a customer who came. But it was a beggar with clothes torn and dirty and his feet were broken due to not wearing footwear. The beggar said "may i come and get some food? I was cold and hunger here". "oh, sure. welcome please, and i will take a bowl of soup for you. just wait there", said Mr Jones. A few moments later he came with a bowl of soup and clean clothes for the beggar. "here for you, eat to warm your body. and this is the clean clothes. Change your clothes", said Mr Jones. "Thank you sir you so kind with me. I hope your kindness rewarded by god", said the Beggar.
The clock show at 11 pm, and Mr Jones must take the rest. The beggar said" Mr Jones, would you like to give me that red shoe to me. I want that, because the soles of my feet hurt not wearing footwear" Mr Jones thought if he gave these shoes so he will not get money. But he must gave to the needy. "oh sure take it. and i want to go sleep now. You may sleep there" Mr Jones said with a sense of not willingly.
In the morning when Mr Jones get up, he saw the beggar was gone. And now he could only surrender to the situation because his shoes had been given to beggar. Several hours later, there is someone who knocked on his door again. When he opened it, the royal guard at the front door and said "This house is it true Mr Jones?". "Right. What's going on?" Mr Jones said with a puzzled. "Come with me to the palace of the king. and I'll explain later there". Mr Jones finally taken by the palace guards to the king.
"Mr Jones!" said the King
"Yes my lord. What is my mistakes my lord?"
"You're not guilty Jones. Do you remember the beggars who come to your house? "
"Yes my lord"
"And the red shoe?"
"Forgive me lord. I'm sorry I'm not guilty."
"Actually I'm the beggar who come to your house. I want to thank you for being kind to me. Has given me soup and this beautiful red shoes. The red shoes is nice and suits for me. And for your services, i will give you a gift."
"No, my lord. I do not want anything. I gave it a sincere"
"Oh, no? You must accept it. Otherwise I will punish you!"
With the punishment that the king promised him. Then Mr Jones accepted the offer of the king. And the king gave him a place in the palace as the royal shoemaker.With kindness without expecting anything in return made ​​by mr jones then from that moment his life began to be happy.

  •  The Orientation can be found in paragraph 1
  • The Complicatian can be found in paragraph 2,3, 4
  • The Resolution can be found in last paragraph  or paragraph 5
The Moral lesson that will take from this story is
  1. if we try hard and never give up for sure we will succeed in the future
  2. always giving to people with sincere hearts
  3. never give up although we have failed. and keep trying it
  4. always help the other people that need our help 

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